Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This will have to do

Photography these days is pretty great. So many people seem to be so talented with a camera. I have been coveting some of the pictures that so many of my friends have of their kids and family. I would LOVE to get some taken of our crew, but I just can't bring myself to pay the pretty price that seems to go along with it. I have a strict budget and I can't seem to fit that in, not at half of my monthly food budget anyway.

Anyway, the kids were all dressed and ready for church and looked so cute I thought we'd take some WAY amature pictures in our flower garden! So here are my kiddos, all spit shined and ready to go. I don't know how to pose them or anything, so I just kept taking as many as I could as fast as I could and see what would turn out! I just sat there and watched them so they didn't really know when I was taking a picture or not.


The Farrell Family said...

Look at all of those beautiful children! Your pics turned out great!

Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

So great, good job.

scott and tara said...

Love all the cute pics! Your children are adorable :)

Lisa Dean said...

Number one I love your pictures! Number two how on earth do you have all your beautiful children dressed and ready BEFORE church starts? I am always late. And my only daughter is only 13 months.

Kelli Proctor said...

I LOVE THESe! You did an awesome job, its not hard though when the subjects are so dang cute! LOVE THESE! By the way GREAT song playing, "all of my love" LOVE IT!

J Fo said...

You've got some photogenic little kiddos there! I love the tulips, too. Those are in your garden?! Great stuff!

easleyfamily said...

You did such a great job...they are all SO adorable and I just can't believe how grown up they all are!!!

Lindsay and Mike said...

They look great! Who needs to pay hundreds of dollars when you can take pictures like that all by yourself! Way to go!!!

Loftus' said...

Great job!! Natural pic of kids are my favorite. A friend gave a tip about taking pics of kids...get down on their level and snap away - especially if they don't know your doing it - that is how you capture them being them! You did it!!

stacey said...

they are soooo good! i guess you need to start doing the photography thing?? your kids are SOOO cute!