Thursday, February 19, 2009

Snowmen at Night

We just got this GrEaT book from my Mom's cousin, really she is like my aunt though, so Aunt Lisa! She sent it to the kids with a snowman cookie cutter and other fun stuff. It was so thoughtful.
If you haven't read the book, your kids would love it. It is about what snowmen do at night. You think they look saggy because of melting, but really it is because they are exhausted from playing all night. Pretty cute! It inspired the girls to get to work the next day in the snow.

Bailey size! It is a SnowGIRL not a snow man, Bailey was insistent.
I am loving the "hair" on top!

Ellery's snow man, with a little help from Dad!

Then they built this fort all by themselves, SO impressive. They wanted to hide out at night to see what their snowmen were up to!
The next day when it was a little warmer, they were so excited, thinking about what their snowmen had been doing.

Thanks again Lisa!


Harmony said...

Look carefully at the illustrations to find hidden pictures! We love that book too :)

Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

That is so cute and looks like a lot of hard work. Good job, girls.

easleyfamily said...

adorable! We'll have to check that book out! We miss you guys!

LIsa said...

Ah, glad you all like the book. The girls and their snowpeople look darling! I see you have plenty of snow to pretend with! Love you and thinking of you often!

Sarah said...

I love that book! so has yet to inspire me to go and play in the snow. :)

Hunter Haven said...

Isn't our Lisa darling? I've always told you kids that she should have been my sister. I love and appreciate her so much.

The girl's snowpeople are SUPER! WOW you guys did a GREAT job. I'm glad you all love the snow, but I'll be content if the snow is gone the week I'm out there. Besides we can all swim in the hotel pool when we are there.
Counting the days, Oma