Friday, January 30, 2009

My Utah trip!

My trip started off crazy! When we left our house to drive to Chicago, it was -28 degrees!! That wasn't windchill...that was the temp! So the roads were awful and of course this made traveling awful. I was so late getting there, I was sure I was going to miss my plane. I walked into the airport with 22 minutes until the flight left. Good thing I said my prayers that morning because there was no line at the counter and incredibly at O'Hare airport....NO line at security!

I made it, last person on board of course--but still. Some really nice snowboarders were ahead of me and helped me with my bags since I was carrying Gus.

Gus was awesome on the plane, he didn't cry once. We were on the last row right by the bathrooms so everyone in line sat there and smiled and played with him. This made him very happy and he was playing to his audience. After a little while some lady and her friend from the front said..."Oh here's the baby they were talking about!" He was very popular!

Once I got there, just lots and lots of family time! Just what we needed.

My nephew Logan and my niece Megan.
I love these two kids almost
like they were my own.
I have always been very close with them and
miss them SO much.
It was great to have some time with them!

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