Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Chat with Cy

Forgive the crass setting for my chat with Cy. Life of a toddler right? I have the funniest conversations with my boy, but can hardly get a chance to record them. I'll take what I can get.

I adore this boy, he melts my heart and cracks me up all at once! I love his little lisp and the sound of his voice. The video is kind of lengthy, but worth it...well at least I think it is a keeper! Just hang in there for the ABC song :) Excuse the grunting and potty talk!


Julie said...

Oh my cutie!!! Love it. He is so sweet. I bet you laugh all day with him around. I love how innocent they are.

Erin said...

so funny! what a cute boy! you have to tape him while he's pottying...that's the only time they sit still:). hope to see you guys soon:)!

TheShippenFamily said...

I love it, he is so cute. I laughed so hard!

Logert said...

How funny that is cutie :)

Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

That is stinkin' cute. I love the counting in Spanish and the Twinkle Little Star ABC's. So funny.

stacey said...

oh my adorable! i loved the abc's! mallory and him need to play!

Loftus' said...

LOL :D that is way too cute!! Thanks for sharing!

Kelli Proctor said...

Cutest family ever! Haha! Miss you guys!

J Fo said...

So funny! Emerson saw me watching it and said she wants to go potty "wif dat boy!" We are spending a lot of time on the potty, too!