Friday, December 3, 2010

The Pretty Line

Some snot-nosed, bratty, punk-ars, booger of a jerk of a devlish urchin of a boy told my sweet Taite that she looked ugly yesterday. Can you imagine?

Good thing I wasn't there to watch his head spin around when I smacked it.

I asked Taite how it made her feel and what she did.
Taite has been a very sensitive child and gets her feelings hurt easily.
We've been working on that.

She looked at me and scoffed.
"Ha!" She said.
"Mommy, I told him,
oh, I already know I am pretty, very pretty, because my Mommy
told me that in Heaven I went through the pretty line 20 times!
20 times!"

Good Girl


Kelli Proctor said...

oh my goodness Dev, I love your family so much I want to cry right now! It was so fun catching up on your blog! We just love you guys! I LOVE the pic of the cutest Playas ever! Haha! So cute! And I have to dub you the BEST MOM EVER award for raising your daughter right to have a self esteem of steel, I am totally going to tell my daughter about the pretty it and I love little Taite for knowing she was pretty no matter what any stupid kid awesome! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lindsay and Mike said...

Way to go Taite! And, yes, she OBVIOUSLY went through the pretty line 20 times (maybe more) in heaven. She is beautiful! Something is obviously wrong with that bratty, punk-ars, booger of a jerk! :)

Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

I so love that. She definitely knows who she is. Good job, Devin, on helping her feel secure, pretty and strong.